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  • Writer's picturePreeti

Pay It Forward Giveaway Week 2 | Online Card Classes

Today' blog post is the Week 2 of my Pay It Forward Giveaway. One thing I have enjoyed the most during my time in isolation and recovery is online coloring classes. So today I thought I would share my joy of online learning with you by doing a Giveaway for two different classes form Online Card classes. My tow favorite thing to do when it comes to art is coloring and card making and both these classes have my favorite in them.

This weeks giveaway is on my Instagram. Please check my today's IG Post for details on entering this giveaway and add to the positivity . I have two gift cards for each of the above classes. The first class is taught by the very talented colorist Kathy Racoosin and the second is a brand new class starting on April 11 taught by various artists.

All the coloring techniques and skills I have learnt over the past few years have been by either watching other artist or by taking few online coloring classes. Every time I start a new project, excitement grips me to see the uncolored image taking life, there is os much satisfaction to know you did that when it is all done. The joy is not just in the finished project but it is in the process of doing it, learning new techniques, making mistakes and repeating those mistakes again and again, but staying at it and most of all finishing it no matter how the end result looks like is the key to that joy.. I have learnt a lot by staying at it no matter how I feel about it , because it is in the finished project that I have learnt to improve the most. I am no expert by any means, I am just a student for life willing to learn from my mistakes and grow . And honestly I think the time to grow will never cease, cause it is in the willingness that we keep growing. So my friends today i encourage you to stay at it , be willing to accept mistakes, and I am positive that you will see yourself grow.

"The Fear of Failure has no business in a mind that bears the Willingness to Learn and Grow from all events of failures". Edmond Embiaka

Love you guys !!

98 views4 comments


Apr 07, 2020

Amazing coloring on your project! Glad it is something you can work on during your recovery.


Mary Gillmarten
Mary Gillmarten
Apr 06, 2020

I absolutely love the cloth -- it's so perfect!


Debby Green
Debby Green
Apr 06, 2020

I don't do Instagram, but I really enjoy seeing what you have created. It is so nice to hear that you are doing better and still sharing your talents. I enjoyed your video from the SSS blog hop with your girls doing the voice over. They made me smile. Thanks for sharing!


Natasha Vacca
Natasha Vacca
Apr 06, 2020

You are so sweet dear friend! Your coloring always amazes me!!!!!!!

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